Tell me more about what happens during one of your Life Enhancement Sessions.
We will begin our session with a little chat during which I’ll be asking you some follow up questions, and, as mentioned above, we’ll discuss specifically what the session will consist of. If a Tarot card reading is part of the session we will do that with both of us seated, face to face. This can either be at the beginning or end of the session; or it can be the entire session if you wish. (Skype, phone and email sessions are also available for Tarot card readings only and the effect is the same as an in-person reading.) If other healing modalities are involved in the session, you will then be asked to lie down on your back where you will remain throughout most of the balance of the session with your clothing on and perhaps a blanket for warmth.
During the session, I will use a variety of stones, oils or whatever is applicable based on whatever type of Life Enhancement Session we’re doing, which I have brought based on what I understand your reason for the session to be; I will not be touching your body directly but I will be laying the stones on little chakra pillows or on your clothing or body. I will also use a pendulum to help me assess energy and possible blockages. Again, each session is very individually tailored and is its own unique adventure. And, yes, it’s okay if you fall asleep; it just means that you are very relaxed. You will still gain all the same benefits.
Afterwards I’ll remind you to drink lots of water and to treat yourself gently for the rest of the day if at all possible.